Birthday Messages

Neko can send Birthday messages to your clients when it's their birthday.

Kate avatar
Written by Kate
Updated over a week ago

Neko allows you to send birthday text or email messages to your client when it's their birthday or when it's approaching.

To set up a Birthday message, click the Marketing tab and then Marketing Setup or go to

In the Birthdays section, Select Add New Message or edit an existing message.

You can set when the message is sent to your client by selecting the Send Out Birthday Messages option to one of the following:

  • Day of Birthday

  • Day before Birthday

  • Week before Birthday

  • Month before Birthday

We recommend emails are set to Week before Birthday and Text/SMS to Day of Birthday.

Tip: Why not offer your client a discount for their Birthday.

You can check if the client has received their Birthday message in their Client Card under Communications.

Please Note:

  • Messages will not be sent if the client has Do Not Mail set in their Client Card.

  • Neko can be triggered to send more than one message based on the "When Should the Message be Sent". If you would like to send another message, please follow the above steps.

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