How to Search for Products

Learn how to quickly search for a product in your database.

Melissa avatar
Written by Melissa
Updated over a week ago

How to search for products.

Searching for a product on your database is easy and saves you time. You may search for a product to sell, check on stock levels or run a performance report.

Click the following link to go to your products page.


From the top menu, click on the Products tab.

From the drop-down menu, select Retail Products.

The Products page will appear.

Type the name of the product in the search bar and click return on your keyboard or select the search icon.

Try searching for a type of product, e.g. Shampoo.


You can search for part of the name and all products with this name will appear, e.g. Lily.

Now simply select the product you want by hovering your cursor on the product and click. The details page for the selected product will appear.

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