How to make a booking
Kate avatar
Written by Kate
Updated over a week ago

Making a booking on Neko is simple and straightforward. This keeps your business organised and allows you to plan your day more efficiently.

Follow the steps to create a booking:

Step 1: Go to the Bookings tab and select New.

Step 2: The Booking Wizard will appear. Start by entering your client details. When you start typing your client name, Neko will begin searching its database to match your entered name.

Step 3: Once your client is found, select your client and click Next. Their previous services will display to allow an you to rebook any of their previous services, simply click the rebook button to change the status to 'Yes'. If you need to choose a new service, click Next.

Step 4: In Services, you will see the service selection criteria. You can either find your service by locating it from the Services list or you could narrow your search by inserting a category and the services will only display those that are linked to the selected category.

Step 5: Once the service is found, click Add to show the selected service on the description list. If you would like to add more services, simply select from the services drop down list and click Add. To remove a service, click the remove icon on the right. Once done, click Next.

Step 6: Ensure the employee, date and time is correct, and once confirm, click Next.

Step 7: Lastly you will see the comment page. If you have any comment to add, simply type it into the comment box and once done, click Save.

Step 8: The booking will now appear on the calendar.

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